Top five events of Thua Thien Hue Union of Science and Technology Associations in the year 2017
Top five events of Thua Thien Hue Union of Science and Technology Associations in the year 2017
1. Getting high awards at the International Exhibition for Young Inventors 2017
It is the first time Thua Thien Hue team won top awards at The International Exhibition for Young Inventors 2017 (IEYI 2017) was held in Nagoya, Japan (July 27-29, 2017),
As for final results, Vietnam team won one silver medal and one bronze medal from the Exhibition and 5 special prizes awarded by the participating countries. The silver medal was awarded to the work Integrated celestial positioning and knowledge system for astronomy by the group of students: Huynh Tang Tuan, Dang Hoang San, Nguyen Minh Luan. The bronze medal was awarded to the work Photovoltaic system with solar tracker using celestial equatorial coordinate system by the group of students: Dang Hoang San, Huynh Tang Tuan, Tran Huu Nhat Huy. Both works are from Thua Thien Hue province. Other works: Fire patrol robot by the group of students from Hai Duong province; Braille printers for the blind by the group of students from Da Nang city; Solar cookers built from TV screens by the group of students from Thua Thien Hue province; SmartHome for rural families of Vietnam by the group of students from Quang Ninh province were given special prize by the teams from China, Hong Kong, Thailand, Taiwan and Macao.
2. Honoring Science and technology Intellectuals of Thua Thien Hue Union of Science and Technology Associations for the first time, 2017 (May 15, 2017)
This was the first time HUSTA honored distinguished science and technology intellectuals in order to acknowledge their dedication, thereby encouraged them to strengthen solidarity, develop their wisdom to building and developing HUSTA, hence, contributing to the development and progress of Thua Thien Hue province. This ceremony honored science and technology intellectuals who had outstanding achievements that contribute to the development of member organizations of HUSTA and science and technology activities of Thua Thien Hue province. Fifteen (15) distinguished science and technology intellectuals honored at this event .
From 2017 onwards, activities of honoring science and technology in the Union system will be held once a year on Vietnam Science and Technology Day.
3.Honoring 18 amateur inventors
HUSTA is proud to be the first local advising the provincial People’s Committee to honour the typical amateur inventors in the province. There were 18 amatour inventors selectes and honoured at this meeting.
This is a meaningful activity to acknowledge the contributions of amateur inventors in the province, who have technical creations, initiatives, innovations that have been widely applied in production and life.
4. HUSTA was honoured to receive the title “The leading unit of the organisation – soceity emulation movement
With great effort of leader members, official staffs, more than 30,000 members of 47 husta assocations’ members, 8 science and technology units, 01 club and 1 researching group, HUSTA was honoured to recieve the emulation flag from the provincial People’s Committee for the leading unit of organization – society emulation block of the year 2017, Prof. Tran Huu Dang – President of Husta was selected to be the head of this block in the year 2018.
5. Consoladating the organisation structure of HUSTA
In 2017, in order to strengthen the quality of advisory staff, HUSTA party committee (appointed to offices and other organizations to supervise the implementation of the party”s policies) decided to consolidate the structure of the two departments and office.
Accordingly, appointing two Deputy chiefs, one Deputy head of Department for information and knowledge dissemination and one deputy Head of Department for consultancy, judgement and social expertise . This activity has contributed to improve the quality of counseling, assisting work in HUSTA.
Cẩm Lai