Research on processing diet containing the rhizoma dioscorea persimilis in support of treatment for type 2 diabete patients

Author: Dr. DS. Tran Huu Dung

Co-authors: Prof. Dr Nguyen Hai Thuy, Specialized Doctor II. Le Nhan; BSCKII. Hoang Thi Lan Huong, Nguyen Nhan Duc, Mai Van Pho, Le Thi Loan Chi, Nguyen Viet Khan, Le Thanh Tuan

Work unit: University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Hue University.

Field of contest: Medicine and Pharmacy

Summarize the topic: Reasearch on processing diet containing the Rhzoma dioscorea persimilis in support of treament for type 2 diabete patients

The research focuses on the physicochemical properties, structure and components of the Zhizoma Dioscorea Persimilis (ZDP) and method to cook well the starch to produce a high content of resistant starch which resists the hydrolysis of the digestive amylase to reduce the formulation of the glucose, an element causing the Hyperglycemia for the Type 2 Diabetes patients.

Based on surveying various processing methods, this research creates an ingredient from the ZDP that is suitable for processing daily diets to support the treatment of the Diabetes. Through clinical trials over 60 Type 2 Diabetes volunteers (fed with cakes made by the ZDP using specific method), it is initially proved that the produced diet can be used to effectively support the treatment of the Diabetes.

This research contains technical criteria and technological applicability, results in a process to produce the ZDP ingredient with steaming method to make high-resistant starch content, and the ZDP cake process is certified to meet the Food Hygiene and Safety standard. The ZDP cake is proven to clinically mediate the Hyperglycemia of the Type 2 Diabetes patients.

