The contest 2017 – Second Prize: Vacuum Set Lab – Phuong Hoang international education.

The idea of a vacuum pump is born after the author watched an instructional video on how to make a vacuum pump from the Youtube channel NightHawkInLight

The vacuum pump is improvised from a bicycle pump by switching the air valves inside the pump. The inner valves are taken out, dismantled, reversed and welded back; the outer valve is replaced with a check valve used in aquarium.

It is used to remove gas molecules. It operates with two check valves installed inside. To create vacuum, just insert the hose to the conventional inner tube valve and lock in place. The vacuum lab set can be used to perform tests such as: Magdeburg hemispheres, vacuum glass… which help users better understand about atmospheric pressure. This inspires the author’s love for science and the desire to create more devices in the future.

The pump operates by using pistons to pump out air, so it is powerful enough for performing tests. The price of the whole set is under 200.000 dong.

