On June 9, 2023 at the Hall of the SaiGon Morin Hotel, the Consultative and Research Center on Natural Resources Management (CORENARM) and the Thua Thien Hue Department of Forest Protection co-organized the workshop “Forest Transition in Vietnam in the context of global commitment” in order to share some of the results from the FTViet Project and discuss issues regarding “Forest Transition” in Vietnam.

At the workshop, there was the presence of 64 delegates who are representatives from central policy-making agencies: Vietnam Forest Protection and Development Fund, Department of Forestry; representatives from a number of units in other provinces: Forest Protection and Development Fund, Forest Protection Department, Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, Forestry Company, Management Board of Protection and Special-use Forests; representatives of Research Institutes, Universities and representatives of a number of international and local NGOs and press agencies.

There were five presentations and two roundtable discussions.

The main topics discussed in the first roundtable discussion in the morning included:

– The factors affect the forest transition process;

– The challenges and barriers related to the process of forest restoration in Vietnam;

– Stages of forest transition and challenges/obstacles in studying and determining forest transition status in terms of technology, finance, legal and policy framework.

The first discussion session included experts: Mr. Vo Van Du (FOSDA Thua Thien Hue), Dr. Truong Tat Do (Department of Forestry), Prof. Kristian Kull (Project Director of FTViet, UNIL University), Dr. Ngo Tung Duc (University of Agriculture and Forestry, Hue University), Mr. Tran Huu Nghi (Tropenbos Organization).

The second roundtable discussion had the following issues:

– The impact/influence of the program to reduce BTB emissions on the management, protection and development of forests;

– The challenges on the capacity of involved parties in implementing the GPT BTB program;

– The role of involved parties in biodiversity conservation in Vietnam.

The second discussion session in the afternoon had the presence of Mr. Nguyen Vu – WWF Vietnam, A/Prof. Tran Thi Thu Ha – Forestry University, Dr. Truong Quang Hoang (CRD), Ms. Vu Thi Que Anh – Representative of FSC Vietnam, Mr. Bui Nguyen Phu Ky – Vietnam Fund for Forest Protection and Development.

The delegates at the Workshop

The workshop provided delegates and experts with a forum for open discussion of concepts, policies, and the implementation of the process of forest transition and forest restoration in Thua Thien Hue province and in the nation. The useful information is a basis for the processes of policy development, research, and integration of initiatives by involved parties participating in this workshop.

Dr. Ngo Tri Dung summarized the contents discussed in the workshop in his concluding remarks. At the same time, he expressed his gratitude to the experts and delegates who attended and contributed to the success of the workshop.

Translator: Thuy Tien
